- KnowledgeMiner
- Simple, powerful statistical software
for unique data extraction
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- Welcome to the KnowledgeMiner
site! Here you can download
KnowledgeMiner free, check the backgroud of GMDH, investigate a
variety of examples, read published scientific papers, and find
links to more information on Self-Oraganization.
- Go to
the Software area to download KnowledgeMiner.
- Use the navigation links
above to find out more about KnowledgeMiner. Below is contact info
and our recent press release.
- frank_lemke@magicvillage.de
- Press Release
- Thursday, May 1, 1997
- KnowledgeMiner 1.0 Now Available
- (This software only available on the
Macintosh platform)
- KnowledgeMiner can be downloaded free
from this location
- http://members.aol.com/selforg/index.html
- May 1st a revolutionary shareware tool
for the Macintosh
- arrives in the form of KnowledgeMiner.
KnowledgeMiner was
- created by an international team of
experts in the areas of
- cybernetics, statistical modeling,
mathematics and computer
- science. Now more then ever better
software tools are needed
- to mine the mountains of information
that are accumulating
- in the world and available on the
internet. KnowledgeMiner
- transcends both neural nets (NN) a part
of artificial
- intelligence (AI) and traditional
statistics using new
- techniques and based on GMDH modeling
theory that has
- already been very successful in decision
support in economy
- (analysis and prediction of economical
systems, stock
- market, sales and financial predictions,
balance sheet
- prediction), ecology (analysis and
prediction of ecological
- processes like air and soil temperature,
air and water
- pollution, drainage flow, Cl- and
NO3-settlement, influence
- of natural position factors on harvest,
growth of wheat),
- and health (diagnosis of cancer in
complex cases). The
- above examples come with the free
downloadable version of
- KnowledgeMiner. Self-Organized modeling
is quite new and
- KnowledgeMiner is the first and only
software tool of this
- type. Professionals in many areas can
benefit by
- downloading this tool and using it to
mine in their field to
- tap new discoveries.
- KnowledgeMiner is based on the insights
of the revered
- Ukrainian cyberneticist, A.G.Ivakhnenko,
who was discouraged
- by the fact that many types of
mathematical models require
- the modeler to know things about the
system that are
- generally impossible to find. In
fisheries modeling, for
- example, the modeler may be required to
know the migration
- patterns of certain species of fish, or
the fertility levels
- of certain age groups. If modelers are
forced to make wild
- guesses at these variables, they can
hardly expect to
- produce a model with a great deal of
reliability as to
- prediction.
- Past efforts of using the known tools of
- intelligence were not, in many cases,
successful. That is,
- because previous methods of artificial
intelligence and
- statistics are based on knowledge
extraction using
- subjective and creative human skills for
model building
- (called the knowledge engineering
- Today experience has shown that there is
a need for highly
- structured models to stop putting users
prejudicies into
- models and to minimize their involvement
in the overall
- knowledge extraction process by making
it more automated and
- more objective: in other words, creating
models that permits
- inclusion of valid a priori knowledge
and then looking only
- at the data and nowhere else.
- Frank Lemke and a team of researchers
inspired by the
- theories of Prof. Ivaknenko developed
KnowledgeMiner which
- realizes an advanced GMDH algorithm as
well as the Analog
- Complexing method for modeling and
prediction of complex
- systems. Frank Lemke has written many
papers and is a
- recognized expert in GMDH and has
specialized in
- self-organized modeling based solutions
and information
- systems for over 5 years. He choose the
Macintosh because
- of its ease of use, power, and success
in the areas of science,
- biotechnology, engineering, and
- KnowledgeMiner is a powerful,
easy-to-use modeling and
- prediction tool which was designed to
support the knowledge
- extraction process from data on a highly
automated level. It
- works using two advanced self-organizing
- technologies: Group Method of Data
Handling (GMDH) and
- Analog Complexing. Other, complementary
- modeling methods are recently in
development. Built on the
- cybernetic principles of
self-organization, KnowledgeMiner
- brings high-end modeling capabilities on
your desktop
- without the need of being an expert in
modeling since it
- will learn completely unknown
relationships between outputs
- and inputs of any given system in an
evolutionary way from a
- very simple organization to an optimal
complex one by
- itself.
- The main advantages of this inductive
approach are:
- Only minimal, uncertain a priori
information about the
- system is required. That means, even if
you are not an
- expert in modeling, data analysis or
designing a neural
- network you will be able to model,
analyse and predict very
- complex objects of nearly any kind of
- A very fast and effective learning
process is possible
- on any Mac. That means, you can solve
problems on your
- desktop in a reasonable time which you
may never have been
- possible before.
- Modeling on very short and noisy data
samples. That means,
- you can deal with a problem as it is and
don't need to
- construct artificial conditions for your
modeling method to
- make it work.
- Output of an optimal complex and
cross-validated model. That
- means, you commonly can expect to get a
model which is
- robust, as simple as possible and not
overfitted. Overfitted
- models are not able to predict variables
due to their
- reflection of random relationships
between variables.
- Output of an analytical model as a
explanation component.
- That means, you can evaluate the
analytical model to
- interpret the obtained results
immediately after modeling.
- You don't have to guess why results are
as they are.
- In KnowledgeMiner you deal with data in
spreadsheets and,
- through its built in model base, you are
able to create and
- store time series models, input-output
models and
- predictable systems of equations
(networks of input-output
- models) for each variable in one
document. These models are
- applicable to sets of new data
(prediction, classification,
- diagnosis) within KnowledgeMiner
immediately. There is no
- need to import them as C code into other
applications or to
- do other efforts to get them to
- KnowledgeMiner not only does useful work
for you
- automatically but also gives you the
freedom to get some
- other work done at the same time by
sending the complete
- knowledge extraction process to operate
in the background on
- your computer.
- The power and the advantages of
KnowledgeMiner in
- comparision with statistical modeling
tools and neural
- networks make it stand out as easier,
faster and more
- applicable to a wide range of real-world
problems. This
- makes KnowledgeMiner the least expensive
and most effective
- modeling and prediction tool available
on any platform.
- >Availabile on May 1st. The
revolution begins!
- KnowledgeMiner and more information will
be available for
- download from
- http://members.aol.com/selforg/index.html
- Published papers, resumes and examples
described above will
- also be available on that site. Two
other more powerful
- versions of KnowledgeMiner will also be
made available and
- can be purchased directly from Script
- For more information email or call us
- Contact Email Telephone
- Julian Miller julian@sierra.net
- Frank Lemke Frank_Lemke@magicvillage.de
+4930 4443585
- Hardware Requirements 68020 Mac,
PowerMac or higher, MacOS
- 7.0 or newer, 8+MB RAM, Hard Disk,
AppleGuide, and QuickTime
- are recommended For KnowledgeMiner Pro a
- PowerMacintosh is recommended.
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